God’s Word, My Voice: A Lectionary for Children. A simple resource for including children in the common worship of the church.
As we approach the end of the school year many parishes also bid adieu to weekly church school classes. As Episcopalians we welcome this time! As much as we love church school, our theology has always been best communicated through our liturgy. This is just as true for kids as for adults.
If you’re looking for inspiration on how to include these younger members in worship without alienating older folk, you might try this resource from Church Publishing by Episcopal priest, The Rev. Lyn Zill Brigs. God’s Word, My Voice is a very complete collection of lectionary texts, Years A, B and C, that can be read and understood by children (as well as adults). It includes the Gospel lesson along with the Old and New Testament lections and the Psalm. There are bulletin inserts available as well.
Sound interesting? Try it out.